Here are some basic commands for Termux:
1. Package Updates and Upgrades:
1. apt update
Update the list of packages to update.
2. apt upgrade
Updates all installed packages to the latest version.
2. Package Management:
1. apt install
Installs the specified package.
2. apt Remove
Removes the specified package.
3. apt search
Search for packages that match a keyword.
3. File Manager:
1. ls
List the contents of the current directory.
2. cd
Change the current folder. -
3. mkdir
Creates a new folder.
4. rm
Remove a file.
5. cp
Copy a file or folder.
6. mv
Moves a file or folder.
4. Text editing:
1. nano
Opens the Nano text editor for editing files.
2. vi
Opens the Vi text editor for editing files.
5. network:
1. ping
Send an ICMP echo request packet to the host.
2. ifconfig
Show information about network interfaces.
3. ssh @
Connect to a remote host via SSH.
6. Process control:
1. ps
List currently running processes.
2. kill
Kills the process with the specified PID.
7. System Information:
1. name -a
Show system information.
2. df -h
Show disk space usage.
3. free -h
Show memory usage.
8. Other:
1. termux-open
Open a file with the default application.
2. termux-setup-storage
Gives Termux access to device storage.